@article{oai:fuksi-kagk-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000436, author = {伊藤, 恵美 and セオサンパイオ, プリシラユカリ and 八田, 武志 and Hatta, Takeshi and 長谷川, 幸治 and Hasegawa, Yukiharu and 岩原, 昭彦 and 堀田, 千絵 and 永原, 直子 and 八田, 武俊 and 八田, 純子 and 濱島, 信之}, issue = {2}, journal = {人間環境学研究, Journal of human environmental studies}, month = {Dec}, pages = {91--98}, title = {The association of daily activities with motor and cognitive functions in community living older adults}, volume = {10}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ハッタ, タケシ and ハセガワ, ユキハル} }